The best students can apply for one of the scholarships founded by Łódź companies – partners of Youth in Łódź Programme.
Students can also apply for refund costs of academic dorm accommodation or joining free IT courses.
So far we organised 12 edition of employers’ scholarship programme and received 1456 applications from students.
276 students got financial scholarships, while 55 students benefited from the free academic dorm and 280 students took part in language or IT courses.
In the last edition finally, 29 scholarships were founded.
How to apply for a scholarship?
You must study one of indicated by employers fields of study and your average grade from two last semesters must be at least 4.0 and you must also meet other employer requirements.
Every student can apply for as many scholarships as she/he wants but finally has to choose only one.
Next step is to fill the internet form available in the search engine below and print copy. The copy with obligatory attachments should be submitted to the City of Łódź Office (Łódź, Politechniki 32 Avenue, first floor, room number 114) in required date. Your average grade needs to be confirmed by the dean’s office.
All forms and particular employers rules are available at our site.
Scholars are chosen by scholarship commission consisting of representatives of Universities, the City of Łódź Office and Youth in a Łódź programme.
List of scholars is published on our website.