Szkolenie ZA FREE z Młodzi w Łodzi: Body language – szkolenie w języku angielskim!

Data szkolenia: 2019/05/31
Godzina szkolenia: 10.00 – 14.00

The purpose of this training is to educate you about the basics of body language and to improve your presentation skills.

Such skills will be useful not just during any presentation that you will give but during everyday life as well.

You will learn what to do with your hands and feet, how to move and how to use your voice during a presentation.

Tamas Szabo:
Having a deep interest in human psychology and development, I have been taking part in different areas of learning and development for over eight years, where I had the pleasure of teaching skills to special education needs children, teaching adults how to move on after personal negative experiences via psychological therapy, and managers on useful skills for furthering their businesses.

Miejsce szkolenia: aleja Politechniki 32, I piętro, pokój 114, Łódź, Polska

Szkolenie organizowane jest w ramach cyklu bezpłatnych szkoleń dla studentów łódzkich uczelni
pn. “Twoja kariera w Twoich rękach” realizowanego w ramach programu “Młodzi w Łodzi”.