Rules for using the graphic trademark Młodzi w Łodzi

I. Basic assumptions
1. The City of Łódź (specified as „City”) is the owner of the word and graphic mark „Youth in Łódź” (specified as „logotype”) and has all copyrights and related rights to the logotype.
2. The logotype can only be used only in promotional and informational purposes related to „Youth in Łódź” programme
3. The logotype can be used by:
1) „Youth in Łódź” programme partners, according to declaration submitted and accepted by the City.
2) Projects/Events organisators that have been under the media patronage of „Youth in Łódź” programme.
3) Other enitities that obtain the City’s consent to use the logotype and sign a license agreement with the City.
4) Using logotype without City’s permission could cause legal consequences.

II. Procedure for applying for the logotype

1. Potential „Youth in Łódź” programme partners become acquainted with the principles of cooperation in programme and than submit a declaration that requires the City’s approval. The terms of cooperation and the declaration form are available on the website
2. Projects/Events organizers apply for the media patronage of the Youth in Łódź programme. The application form and a description of the procedure are available at
3. Other entities can use the logotype basing on the prior consent of the City and the license agreement concluded with the City. For this purpose, please contact via e-mail to the following
4. The logotype is free and available to download at

III. Principles of using the logotype

1. The logotype has to be used in a manner that prevents its distortion. In particular, it is prohibited to remove or add any word or graphic elements to the logotype.
2. The size of the logotype is not reserved, but the proportions in its individual elements must be observed.
3. The logotype can’t be part of any other logotype
4. The logotype can be placed next to other graphic symbols, if the distance between the characters is at least 20 pixels.
5. The logotype placed on websites and electronic publications should be accompanied by a link to the website
6. The entity intending to use the logotype is obliged to read and accept the rules.
7. Downloading the logotype from website means accepting the rules.

IV. Final Provisions
1. The City reserves the right to control entities in the manner of using the logotype and the right to take action against entities acting contrary to these rules and violating generally applicable law.
2. In case of violation of these Rules, the City may deprive the entity of the right to use the logotype.
3. The City reserves the right to modify these Rules. The modificated rules become effective from the time of their publication on the website


Logotype in pdf format

Logotype in jpg format

Black and white logotype in jpg

Book of Mark